Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I really want to be a shaman.
I would love that life.
I keep seeing a voodoo project in my future, but my future comes at me in flashes of light and sometimes texture or sound.
The clacking of claws and bones haunt my steps.
There is chalk on the floor.
She steps in time with me, for me, as me.
and I lose it.
I hope it visits me again tonight so that I can bring it into existence outside myself.
What if we are just vessels for our thoughts? and the realities are inside us?
We are parallel evolutions of that same first cell of life
and we are awful for it.

 Here is a rehearsal of my "Dream King" character.
 That cape has gotten twice as big.
I would like the record to state
that I do not condone the eating of pancakes,
and that I only ate two,
and they were bitch'n.
Next project preview!
None of this is going in my mouth.
 Thank you, Dollar Tree Stores, for making dreams come true.
Have you been to a thrift store lately?
Cause I am there every week.
And it's pretty great.
 It felt terrible to handle all this "food".
The texture of candy is not something we should want to put in our body at all.
Just look at it closely next time.
RedVines smell like icing.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I put it down the instant I heard the knock on the door. I held my breath.  I could feel him, as if he was standing in the back of my skull.
I slowly exhaled, feeling my lungs sink in my chest. I swung my feet over the side of my bed and quickly took another breath before putting my things in the drawer of my side-table.
He was still knocking.
I could feel him reaching down my spine now, controlling my legs as they moved noiselessly over the ground. When I came within reach of the door, he stopped, but I could hear him breathing. Pain radiated around my ribs. I could hear the sobs. I stood there, shocked by the sudden sensation of suffering. His breath was familiar and sobering, a sound I hated.
At the sound of my unlocking, he left me. I was once again aware of blankets lifting me and holding me. I knew I was protected.
He came in and walked immediately to my bathroom. I went to the kitchen for water, and then to the hallway, where I leant in a doorframe and watched him. It felt like a movie. His suffering.
He turned to me, over his bowl of sick, and pierced my glass with his eyes like ice melting in embers. I handed him my water and left as I heard him swallow, vomit and cough.
Back in the confines of my kitchen, I sank below my sink, crouched on the floor, and prayed.
I said Universe,
If you have made me thus
and him my equal
why are we not equally forgiven?
The stove responded in silence. The refrigerator dripped the song of leaking sorrow. And I knew this was the end.
As his breathing begun to rattle, I bathed him with a cloth, dressed him in my old lover's clothes, and brought him to bed. I told him of my mother and how she would lay beside me and tell me these stories and how I couldn't remember them or much of anything anymore and that I was worried. He rasped a response, but I don't remember much of that either.
We lay there until morning, his hand in mine.
I left when he did, but we didn't say goodbye.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

9.2 313131

3thirteen & 1thirtyone

"Last night, I dreamt we were stars, 
and we communicated with light- like fireflies- and dance- like bees. 
You showed me your secrets,
and we were able to teleport, but I don't think we actually did. 
Just cognitive of the ability."

Here is a preview of my latest work. The final "product" will be posted soon.

This is my work, not yours. You must ask permission to use these images/text or at least give me credit. Thanks, dears. :)